di'Elle upcyle
be part of the cycle

reused materials
balance between
people and the ecosystem

Local craftsmanship
100% reused and redesigned

Local donation circle
donate to the closest in need

About us
the upcycle option
De basis voor het concept van duurzaamheid in de wereld van consumentisme is het efficiënt creëren van artikelen, met minimale hoeveelheden grondstoffen, water en energie. Bij di'Elle upcyle volgen we deze filosofie. Ons atelier creëert op maat gemaakte stukken en unieke upcycle producten vervaardigd uit smart streams.
Daarnaast bieden we diverse services met betrekking tot personal styling.(NL)
The base of the concept of sustainability in the world of consumption is creating articles efficiently with minimal amount of raw material, water and energy. At di’Elle upcycle we follow this philosophy. Our atelier creates tailormade pieces and a one of a kind collection with upcycled pieces made out of smart streams. As services we offer personal styling for shoots and other events. (EN)
Our Services

Custom made pieces
One of a kind and personal

Styling for shoots
Unique Pieces that steal the show

Personal styling
An unexpected twist to your garderobe

Video Wim Vanderwegen

Video Kurt Liefsoons

Video Kurt Liefsoons
Upcoming Events
- Pikking a date with Dwarsligger vzw - MelleMelle